Pregnancy and Related Conditions – Title IX Protections, Accommodations, and Other Information
Texas A&M is committed to creating an accessible and inclusive environment for pregnant and parenting students.
Title IX prohibits discrimination based on sex, including pregnancy and sex-based harassment, in employment, educational programs, and activities. This includes harassment and discrimination against a student based on pregnancy, childbirth, false pregnancy, or lactation, as well as any related medical conditions or recovery therefrom.
Texas A&M will provide reasonable accommodations due to pregnancy and/or related conditions. The University will allow access, on a voluntary basis, to any separate and comparable portion of a program or activity. Texas A&M will also allow a voluntary leave of absence, ensure the availability of lactation space, and maintain grievance procedures to provide for the prompt and equitable resolution of complaints of sex discrimination.
Title IX mandates that schools (1) offer supportive measures to students who are pregnant or have related conditions and (2) allow students who are pregnant to return to their same academic and extracurricular status as before their pregnancy.
Request an Accommodation
For information regarding pregnancy or related conditions leave or to request an accommodation related to pregnancy, please contact Julie Kuder at: [email protected], 979-845-8116 or contact the Title IX Office at 979-485-8407.
The following is a non-exhaustive list of reasonable accommodations provided under Title IX:
- Excused absences and medical leave that are deemed medically necessary for pregnancy or related conditions. The Title IX Office will work with both the student and the student’s faculty member to create a plan for completion of course work and continuation of the student’s education. Individual plans may be adjusted as circumstances change.
- Opportunity to make up any work missed, such as extensions of due dates or rescheduling of tests.
- Breaks during class to attend to health needs or express breastmilk
- Access to online resources
- Changes in schedule or course sequence
- Counseling
- Reasonable adjustments to an education program or activity which include, but are not limited to:
- Accessible seating (i.e. a larger desk)
- Appropriate restroom breaks.
- Leave of Absence
- Pregnant and parenting students can take a leave of absence, and if in good standing when leave is taken, the ability to return to the degree or cert program in good academic standing without being required to reapply for admission.
A student seeking accommodations, adjustments, or requesting excused absences related to pregnancy will need to provide official documentation from the student’s physician/medical provider. This letter must include dates for excused absences and a statement that absences are deemed medically necessary and/or other information to support the need for adjustment or accommodations.
Documentation can be submitted:
- Via email
To [email protected], and reference “Documentation for Pregnancy” in the subject line. Include your name and UIN in the body of the email. - In-person
Bring your documentation materials to the Title IX Office at the YMCA Building, Ste. 108, 365 Houston St., College Station, TX 77843.
TAMU will allow reasonable breaks to students and employees for lactation. TAMU will ensure the availability of a clean, private, non-bathroom, space for lactation that is shielded from view and free from intrusion from others. Discrimination based on lactation or related medical conditions is prohibited.
Lactation Rooms On-campus
- New OCR Resources “Discrimination Based on Pregnancy and Related Conditions, A Resources for Students and Schools” under Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972.
- “Supporting the Academic Success of Pregnant and Parenting Students” under Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972.
Students who have questions or believe they have experienced discrimination, harassment, sexual harassment/sex-based misconduct, and/or related retaliation are encouraged to contact Jennifer Smith, Assistant Vice President and Title IX Coordinator, at the YMCA Building Ste. 108, 365 Houston St., College Station, TX 77843. Her telephone number is: (979) 458-8167 and email address is [email protected]. The Title IX website can be found at
Students can also file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education Office of Civil Rights, Lyndon Baines Johnson Department of Education Bldg, 400 Maryland Avenue SW, Washington, D.C. 20202-1100 or fax a complaint to (202) 453-6012.