Texas A&M University Title IX Cumulative Student Sanctioning Matrix*
*Behavioral examples identified in the matrix are not intended to represent an exhaustive listing of prohibited conduct.
- Sexual Harassment
- Stalking
- Dating or Domestic Abuse
- Sexual Exploitation
- Sex-based Misconduct
- Sexual Assault
- Retaliation
Category: Sexual Harassment
Reprimand, Restrictions & Review
- Severe, persistent, and objectively offensive sexual innuendos, jokes, remarks, questions, gestures, and/or gifts of a sexual nature.
- Display of sexually explicit visual material.
- Unwelcome kissing or non-fondling sexual touching.
Any one or the combination of Stage 1 behaviors, plus:
- A behavior from another category.
- Offering to trade an education benefit for a date or sexual favors.
Any one or the combination of Stage 1 and/or Stage 2 behaviors, plus a behavior from another category.
Any one or the combination of Stage 1, Stage 2 and/or Stage 3 behaviors, plus a behavior from another category.
Category: Stalking
Reprimand, Restrictions & Review
- Repeated, unsolicited phone calls, emails, texts, and/or gifts to another person and/or their family/household.
- Repeatedly following another person or conducting surveillance of another person and/or their family/household.
Any one or combination of Stage 1 behaviors, plus:
- Second violation of stalking.
- Repeated, unsolicited visits to another person’s home, business, and/or class, and/or that of their family/household.
- Repeated, unsolicited contact or attempts to contact via social media.
- Assuming another’s identity in order to make contact with complainant.
Any one or combination of Stage 1 and/or Stage 2 behaviors, plus a behavior from another category.
Any one or combination of Stage 1, Stage 2 and/or Stage 3 behaviors.
Category: Dating or Domestic Violence
Reprimand, Restrictions & Review
Intimidation: using actions, gestures, and tone of voice to indicate a threat of violence.
Any one or combination of Stage 1 behaviors, plus:
- Preventing complainant from calling for help.
- Destruction of property.
- Physical abuse: Pushing, shoving, hair-pulling, scratching, and/or hitting.
Any one or combination of Stage 2 behaviors, plus:
- Displaying weapons, and/or throwing objects at a person with potential to injure.
Any one or combination of Stage 1, Stage 2 and/or Stage 3 behaviors.
Category: Sexual Exploitation
Reprimand, Restrictions & Review
- Viewing of nudity or engaging in sexual behaviors without attempts to shield others.
- Allowing others to observe sexual activity without the other person’s consent.
Any one or combination of Stage 1 behaviors, plus:
- Taking or transmitting images or videos of another person in a sexual, intimate, or private act without that person’s consent.
- Distributing sexual or intimate images or recordings of another person without that person’s consent.
- Collecting, creating, viewing, and/or distributing child pornography/sexual images of those under 18.
Any one or combination of Stage 1 and/or Stage 2 behaviors, plus:
- Engaging in sexual activity while knowingly infected with an STD without the other person’s knowledge.
- Indecent exposure.
Any one or combination of Stage 1, Stage 2 and/or Stage 3 behaviors, plus:
- Prostituting another person
Category: Sex-based Misconduct
Reprimand, Restrictions & Review
- Severe, persistent, or pervasive sexual innuendos, jokes, remarks, questions, gestures, and/or gifts of a sexual nature.
- Display of sexually explicit visual material.
- Unwelcome kissing or non-fondling sexual touching.
- Allegations of sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, and/or stalking based sex that are dismissed from the Title IX process under 08.01.01, Section 4.2.10(d) and (e).
Any one or combination of Stage 1 behaviors, plus a behavior from another category, plus:
- Offering to trade an education benefit for a date or sexual favors.
Any one or combination of Stage 1 and/or Stage 2 behaviors.
Any one or combination of Stage 1, Stage 2 and/or Stage 3 behaviors.
Category: Sexual Assault
Fondling of breasts, groin, genitals or buttocks above or below clothing.
A Stage 2 behaviors and/or:
- Oral sex.
- Penetration (by sex organs).
- Penetration (by means other than sex organs).
- Incest.
- Statutory rape.
Any one or combination of Stage 2 and/or Stage 3 behaviors with predation.
Category: Retaliation
Threats in retaliation for reporting sexual misconduct, dating/domestic violence, and/or stalking.
A Stage 2 behaviors and/or:
- Intimidation or physical abuse in retaliation for reporting sexual misconduct, dating/domestic violence, and/or stalking.
Any one or combination of Stage 2 and/or Stage 3 behaviors.